Reconnecting with ourselves, each other & our natural world.

We believe that authentic psycho-spiritual growth is the way to lasting and meaningful change. By integrating the models of care used by Indigenous healers and western practitioners, we can achieve truly holistic healing.

Amazon Rainforest with Sunlight

Our philosophy

Psychedelics and Indigenous ways of working with plant medicines have vast therapeutic potential, but the chemical effects of psychedelics are just one part of the healing journey.

Tried and tested frameworks developed over generations emphasise the importance of preparing and looking after mind, body, and spirit: aspects that are just as important as the medicines themselves.

‘Onaya’ comes from the Shipibo, meaning a healer who works with plant medicines, translating to ‘the one who knows’.

Our story

We have been working in partnership with Indigenous healers in the Peruvian Amazon for the last decade.

In 2015, Simon, Onaya’s founder, found himself in ceremony with Don Rono Lopez, a traditional healer from Shipibo lineage working with ayahuasca and other plant medicines.

This marked the start of a lasting relationship grounded in a dedication to bridging traditional medicines and modern science. With an ever-growing team, we have been conducting cutting-edge research as Onaya Science, exploring the effects of psychedelic plant medicines and ceremony on body, mind, and spirit.

On these foundations, we have developed programs that combine Indigenous and modern models of care, with a commitment to holistic healing - for the benefit of individuals, communities, and the wider environment.

Onaya's Simon Ruffell & Don Rono Lopez with Noya Rao